Titel The Last Story
Entwickler Mistwalker , Artoon
Genre J-RPG
Release Japan Januar 2011
Europa TBA
Nord Amerika TBA
Homepage http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/slsj/index.html
Trailer http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/slsj/trailer/
Übersetzungen der Kolumnen
Island http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/0 ... y_setting/
Ruri City http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/0 ... tory_blog/
Ritter und Händler
http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/0 ... og_update/
http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/0 ... og_update/
Held und Heldin
http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/0 ... d_heroine/
Alte Zusammengetragene Kolumnen :
We're doing research & development from a prototype that I haven't worked on since FF7. We're finished with that for now. There were a lot of trials and errors, and it took longer than expected, but it was an unexpectedly good challenge. I'm reminded again of how "it pays when things are working," so taking advantage of what a prototype offers, there were many trials and ideas that didn't seem to work out, but I think we made a new feeling and experience. From here on out is a phase in which we take steps towards our next product. The scenario is still just a rough plot. We brainstorm, rethink, and exchange ideas every day. Anyway, the whole team is moving towards those "new ideas." Our struggling efforts may reach us even higher than our first wave, and take us to the next level. So, that's what we hope for !
For this new game project, I understand it is important to have seamless control of staging. At the same time, I'm planning to showcase spectacle scenes mixed with CG. The control system will have a special mechanism, while overall game will have a blend of RPG-style strategy and character growth. Interesting reaction will occur corresponding to surroundings and circumstances. Oops, I'm not allowed to say any further.
I'm hoping to let you know the details of this new project by the end of this year. When the time comes, on this website I would like to post model artwork and behind the scenes stories, and introduce the artists, engineers and staff who have been putting their heart and soul into this project. This new game is different from any other ones I've worked on in the past, and it will be a good one. You can count on me and keep an eye on
I am headed to Tokyo this afternoon. I’m going to a meeting for a new
project. Most of the game system is figured out. I strategically
implemented a system of battlefield ‘order and chaos’ during real-time
scenes. I feel it came out very interesting. The overall balance and
experience parameters still have to be worked on, but there is a
growing feel of ‘addiction’ you can sense. I think this is most
important. Games are decided by the ‘feeling of being enhanced during
game play.’ While I’m pouring 120% of my energy into this, the driving
force can also be credited to production’s passion; developers’ state
of mind and the technology itself lended from former experiences.
It’s great that all these elements are blending well with each other
and advance the production. I’d like to keep the tension as high as
it currently stands. I will keep you on the edge of your seat with
this one.
Dies sind alles zusammengetragene Kolumnen die ich jetzt einfach mal kopiert habe.Ein paar Infos sind dabei die ganz Interessant sind.Besonders das Kampf System wird ja schon sehr deutlich angesprochen.
Übrigens ihr dürft euch freuen der Komponist wird definitiv Nobue Uematsu.
Und woher ich weiß das Artoon mitgearbeitet hat ?
http://www.mistwalkercorp.com/enold/col ... pg125.html
Dort ist Takuya Matsumoto zusehen und wird auch angesprochen.
Dieser gehört zur Belegschaft von Artoon.
Mehr Infos sobald ich sie habe D: