News und Diskussion

Multimedia-Center oder Spielkonsole? Hier geht es um die Xbox One.

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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Kya »

Das waren nur links, keine wertende Aussage meinerseits :D
Das Fergusson keine Collection macht, dürfte klar sein. :wink:
Wird wohl wenn ne Auftragsarbeit von :?:
Also wie bisher... nix genaues weiß man nicht.
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Registriert: 09.11.2010 04:07
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

Conker Reunion: Episode 1

Veröffentlichung am 23. April ... k-april-23

Entweder Conker spielen oder eigene Conker-Spiele erstellen.
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

Das Potential von HoloLense in Aktion!
Back in January, Microsoft revealed their Windows Holographic platform and the first device that can run Windows Holographic platform called HoloLens. Magic Leap is an another company backed by Google which is widely believed to be the competitor for Microsoft's HoloLens. Just like HoloLens, Magic Leap is trying to change the way people interact with computers. It combines virtual and augmented reality. For the first time, Magic Leap today posted a video demo showing the capabilities of their technology. It shows a person interacting with Gmail and YouTube apps in the air. And then it shows a person playing games on this platform. It combines real hardware with augmented reality to create an truly immersive experience. Watch the video demo: ... -hololens/
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Nuracus »

Die Videos zeigen doch gar nicht HoloLense ...
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

Nuracus hat geschrieben:Die Videos zeigen doch gar nicht HoloLense ...
Behauptet auch niemand.
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von danke15jahre4p »

naja, schönes concept video, mehr nicht. wenn sie mal wirklich was funktionierendes zum zeigen haben, sollen sich nochmal melden.

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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Alking »

Leifman du wirst es doch eh nicht kaufen, da es ein Microsoft Produkt ist. Ich frage mich seit Jahren was du in den Xbox Bereichen mit deinen immer negativen Postings erreichen willst.
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von danke15jahre4p »

Alking hat geschrieben:Leifman du wirst es doch eh nicht kaufen, da es ein Microsoft Produkt ist. Ich frage mich seit Jahren was du in den Xbox Bereichen mit deinen immer negativen Postings erreichen willst.
stimmt, werde mir nichts von ms kaufen, aber darf ich deswegen keine meinung haben? es ist ein concept video. ich kann dir auch ein conceptvideo von fliegenden autos zeigen, nur heisst das nicht, dass es sie jemals geben wird.

sag mir doch mal bitte was der link da oben hier im xbox thread zu suchen hat? wäre maximal etwas für den interessante links und bilder thread.

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Beiträge: 10780
Registriert: 09.11.2010 04:07
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

Man kann sich auch zur Conker-News äußern... weil, das Episodenspiel kommt ja schon in 4 Wochen.

Hier ein FAQ: ... -FAQs.aspx
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
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Registriert: 26.05.2012 01:56
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Helium3 »

State of Decay ist gar nicht verkehrt, geht ein bisschen in die Richtung von The Walking Dead. Hab ich damals auf der 360 gespielt und fands eigentlich recht gut. Zwar Lichtjahre von Triple A entfernt, aber als Arcade wars prima. :wink:
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Registriert: 04.02.2010 21:02
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Leon-x »

Spencer äußert sich zu Gears of War Collection, Phantom Dust und DX12 für die One: ... ox-135370/

So kann man die Hoffnung auf eine Gears-Collection schon wieder wecken. War aber irgendwie klar dass es ähnlich zu Halo ablaufen könnte.
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Registriert: 09.11.2010 04:07
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

DX12 Should Remedy The Resolution Issue On The Xbox One, eSRAM To Receive New API
Brad Wardell and his team at Stardock Studios are working on Ashes of Singularity, one of the first games that will be supporting DirectX 12. Wardell has been pretty vocal regarding his support for DirectX 12 in the past, and rightly so given the number of performance improvements that the new API offers.

Gamingbolt's Kurtis Simpson recently got in touch with Brad Wardell to talk on a number of topics including the effects that DirectX 12 could possibly have on the Xbox One. With the API launching later this year, will it improve the Xbox One's hardware performance especially given it's static hardware nature compared to a PC.

"It won't have the same impact," Wardell says. "There are a couple of things that are important in DirectX1 2 for Xbox One developers though. First of all Xbox performance is completely the result of the eSRAM feature and there isn't a true or false thing with regards to one using eSRAM. You could use it well or you could use it poorly or somewhere in-between, and their API which is the current DirectX11 extension for the Xbox is really crappy for dealing with the eSRAM. That has resulted in what's called Resolution Gate."

For those who are unaware, the resolution gate kicked off when a lot of multiplatform including first party titles ran at a lower resolution on the Xbox One. Although things are becoming better with frequent SDK updates from Microsoft, the problem still persists. However Wardell revealed that Microsoft are doing away with the older API used to fetch data to and fro from eSRAM and will be replacing it with the one that comes with DX12. This could bring in huge changes, Wardell believes.

"I've never heard Microsoft just come out and, I mean they should just really come out and explain to people why they're having problems getting games to run at 1080p. But maybe they don't think their users will understand, basically it has to do with developers aren't making effective use of the eSRAM API. So in DirectX12 they actually threw it away, they threw away the crappy one in DirectX11 and they're replacing it with a new one. So that's pretty huge."

"They also released a new tool, it's this optimization tool that will actually algorithmically try to come up with an optimization for the developer. So instead of the developer trying to hand set-up what uses eSRAM, they have their own app to try and do as much of it for them as they can. Third, DirectX11 still serializes stuff from the developer to the GPU. It is low-level but the fact is as low-level as it, it's still serializing a lot of GPU calls. So it won't be anywhere won't get the benefit on Xbox One that you're getting on the PC."

Regardless, there will be substantial benefits after all including resolving the resolution issues that the Xbox One still faces till date.

"It's completely different but you are going to get a substantial benefit. The part I think that users will care about is that it should address the resolution stuff for most people. That's what I think is the most glaring thing that people are upset about. But it won't do anything magically. The developers still have to use it, it's not like your old games will magically be faster."

"Yeah, it should do that [on resolving the resolution issues due to eSRAM], because in DirectX11 it's really a pain to make good use of the eSRAM. Where as supposedly in DirectX12 and this is all theory, I haven't used it myself but the new API is supposed to make it alot easier to optimize your use of the eSRAM memory.

"The API is there for me to use as a tool for the piece of hardware. And the one that was in DirectX11 was not easy, it was a very trial and error process to make use of the eSRAM. In DirectX12 they've tried to make it easier to make use with and the easier it is to use, the more likely you're going to get developers who optimize for it correctly."

Given the pace at which Microsoft have been releasing on SDK update after another, one can be hopeful that the resolution gate will come to an end in the future. In my opinion, Microsoft should release benchmark results for the Xbox One using DX12 so that we can clearly see the performance improvements it could potentially bring on the console. ... ve-new-api
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
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Registriert: 09.11.2010 04:07
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von DARK-THREAT »

Games with Gold April

- Pool Nation FX ($9.99 ERP): Available all month on Xbox One
- Child of Light ($14.99 ERP): Available all month on Xbox One

XBOX 360:
- Gears of War: Judgment ($19.99 ERP): Available from April 1-15 on Xbox 360
- Terraria ($14.99 ERP): Available from April 1-15 on Xbox 360
- Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ($29.99 ERP): Available from April 16-31 on Xbox 360
- Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel ($19.99 ERP): Available from April 16-31 on Xbox 360 ... um=twitter
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
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Registriert: 13.01.2009 18:45
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Re: News und Diskussion

Beitrag von Oynox »

Fuck Yeah, bei Child of Light habe ich immer auf einen Sale gewartet, so ist es natürlich noch besser! :)

Und für die 360 ist Ao2 auch ganz interessant, Terraria hab ich leider schon, ACIV schon durch und GoW interessiert mich nicht. Aber, Child of Light reicht mir schon.