Eure Xbone Games
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- Beiträge: 800
- Registriert: 09.10.2009 14:54
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Eure Xbone Games
Mich würde mal interessieren was für Games ihr schon alle so habt und da so ein Thread hier noch fehlt eröffne ich einfach mal einen.
Ich fange auch gleich mal an:
Ryse Son of Rome
Call of Duty Ghosts
Killer Instinct
Halo Spartan Assault
Max The Curse of Brotherhood
Leider gibt es noch nicht soviele Games die mich reizen würden. Als nächstes kommt aber Lego Der Hobbit.
Ich fange auch gleich mal an:
Ryse Son of Rome
Call of Duty Ghosts
Killer Instinct
Halo Spartan Assault
Max The Curse of Brotherhood
Leider gibt es noch nicht soviele Games die mich reizen würden. Als nächstes kommt aber Lego Der Hobbit.
- Beiträge: 62
- Registriert: 20.10.2009 21:30
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Viel gibt es noch nicht was mich reizt. Habe die Konsole ursprünglich nur wegen Killer Instinct gekauft.
Games die ich mittlerweile besitze und bei denen ich es nicht bereue:
- Killer Instinct
- Peggle 2
- Trials Fusion
- Strider
Kurzzeitig unterhaltsam:
- Forza 5
- Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
- Sixty Second Shooter Prime (super unterhaltsam für 3-4 Stunden!)
- Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition
- Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut
- Halo Spartan Assault
- Nutjitsu
Games die ich mittlerweile besitze und bei denen ich es nicht bereue:
- Killer Instinct
- Peggle 2
- Trials Fusion
- Strider
Kurzzeitig unterhaltsam:
- Forza 5
- Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
- Sixty Second Shooter Prime (super unterhaltsam für 3-4 Stunden!)
- Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition
- Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut
- Halo Spartan Assault
- Nutjitsu
- BfA DeaDxOlli
- Beiträge: 3105
- Registriert: 07.09.2009 17:46
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Im Besitz:
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
D**D Rising 3
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Watch Dogs
Fifa 14 ( Download aus D1 Edition)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Halo: Spartan Assault
Verkauft bzw. aus Videothek:
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Murdered Soul Suspect
Ryse: Sone of Rome
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
D**D Rising 3
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Watch Dogs
Fifa 14 ( Download aus D1 Edition)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Halo: Spartan Assault
Verkauft bzw. aus Videothek:
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Murdered Soul Suspect
Ryse: Sone of Rome
- Beiträge: 10780
- Registriert: 09.11.2010 04:07
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
FIFA14 (als Download der Day One Edition)
Forza Motorsport 5 (Steelbook)
Dead Rising 3
Ryse: Son of Rome
Kinect Sports Rivals
Watch_Dogs (Vigilante Edition)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (GwG)
Halo: Spartan Assault (GwG)
Schon verkauft:
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Zoo Tycoon
Geplant für 2014:
Forza Horizon 2
Formel 1 2014
Halo: Master Chief Collection
FIFA14 (als Download der Day One Edition)
Forza Motorsport 5 (Steelbook)
Dead Rising 3
Ryse: Son of Rome
Kinect Sports Rivals
Watch_Dogs (Vigilante Edition)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (GwG)
Halo: Spartan Assault (GwG)
Schon verkauft:
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Zoo Tycoon
Geplant für 2014:
Forza Horizon 2
Formel 1 2014
Halo: Master Chief Collection
XBOX Series X | Switch Lite | Pocophone F1
Re: Eure Xbone Games
FIFA 14 (Day One)
Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
Assassins Creed 4
Peggle 2
Wolfenstein (UK Version)
CoD Ghosts (als Upgradeversion)
MGS Ground Zeroes
beide GwG Spiele
FIFA 14 (Day One)
Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
Assassins Creed 4
Peggle 2
Wolfenstein (UK Version)
CoD Ghosts (als Upgradeversion)
MGS Ground Zeroes
beide GwG Spiele
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Fifa 14 (day One)
powerstar Golf
Strikesuit Zero
NBA 2K14
Max and the magic marker (GfG)
Halo (GfG)
Das wars dann glaub ich.
powerstar Golf
Strikesuit Zero
NBA 2K14
Max and the magic marker (GfG)
Halo (GfG)
Das wars dann glaub ich.
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag (Jackdaw Edition)
Rayman Legends
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Killer Instinct
Max and the Curse of Brotherhood (GfG)
Halo: Spartan Assault (GfG)
Peggle 2
Crimson Dragon
Child of Light
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition (GfG)
Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag (Jackdaw Edition)
Rayman Legends
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Killer Instinct
Max and the Curse of Brotherhood (GfG)
Halo: Spartan Assault (GfG)
Peggle 2
Crimson Dragon
Child of Light
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition (GfG)
- Beiträge: 197
- Registriert: 20.01.2008 21:03
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Meine Liste ist noch nicht so lang, aber kommt noch.
- Rayman Legends
- Fifa 14
- Battlefield 4
- Titanfall
- Halt die Gratistitel Halo: Sparten Assault, Max irgendwas und dieses mexikanische Teil (noch nicht gespielt)
Dieses Jahr geplant:
- Diablo III
- Halo Master Chief Collection
- FIFA 15
- Battlefield Hardline
- Forza Horizon 2
- Wenn mal was irgendwo im Angebot ist
- Rayman Legends
- Fifa 14
- Battlefield 4
- Titanfall
- Halt die Gratistitel Halo: Sparten Assault, Max irgendwas und dieses mexikanische Teil (noch nicht gespielt)

Dieses Jahr geplant:
- Diablo III
- Halo Master Chief Collection
- FIFA 15
- Battlefield Hardline
- Forza Horizon 2
- Wenn mal was irgendwo im Angebot ist

Mein Youtube-Kanal (noch ganz frisch
) : ... r1hcVtxvBA
Mein Youtube-Kanal (noch ganz frisch

Re: Eure Xbone Games
Meine Liste ist wirklich kurz
-CoD: Ghosts (Download Only, war bei der Xbox dabei)
-Ryse (eigentlich nur wegen der Grafik^^)
Geplant sind
-Forza Horizon
-Sunset Overdrive
-Masterchief Collection
Die Multiplats kauf ich mir eigentlich nur für die PS4, deswegen die kurze Liste

-CoD: Ghosts (Download Only, war bei der Xbox dabei)
-Ryse (eigentlich nur wegen der Grafik^^)
Geplant sind
-Forza Horizon
-Sunset Overdrive
-Masterchief Collection
Die Multiplats kauf ich mir eigentlich nur für die PS4, deswegen die kurze Liste

- Frontschwein91
- Beiträge: 2408
- Registriert: 01.05.2008 20:44
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Doch schon ganz ordentlich.
Battlefield 4 Day One + Premium
Ryse Day One
Dead Rising 3 Day One + Season Pass & Super Ultra Hyper Remix Dlc
Titanfall Collecters Editon
Sniper Elite 3
Tomb Raider Definitive Editon
Fifa 14 (code nicht eigelösst)
Assassins Creed Black Flag Bucaner Editon
Watch Dogs Dead Sec Editon
Wolfenstein The New Order
Rayman Legends (Download)
Outlast (Download)
Max course of brotherhood (Games with Gold)
Halo Spartan Ops (Games with Gold)
Guacamelee Ultra Editon (Games with Gold)
Dieses jahr fest geplant:
Destiny (evtl Limited Editon)
Master Chief Collection
Sunset Overdrive
Spontankäufe & Acarde käufe wahrscheinlich
Battlefield 4 Day One + Premium
Ryse Day One
Dead Rising 3 Day One + Season Pass & Super Ultra Hyper Remix Dlc
Titanfall Collecters Editon
Sniper Elite 3
Tomb Raider Definitive Editon
Fifa 14 (code nicht eigelösst)
Assassins Creed Black Flag Bucaner Editon
Watch Dogs Dead Sec Editon
Wolfenstein The New Order
Rayman Legends (Download)
Outlast (Download)
Max course of brotherhood (Games with Gold)
Halo Spartan Ops (Games with Gold)
Guacamelee Ultra Editon (Games with Gold)
Dieses jahr fest geplant:
Destiny (evtl Limited Editon)
Master Chief Collection
Sunset Overdrive
Spontankäufe & Acarde käufe wahrscheinlich

- The Dark Bat One
- Beiträge: 45
- Registriert: 08.11.2017 14:31
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Eure Xbone Games
Meine Liste ist auch Kurz

- Batman arkham knight
- The WItcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Minecraft Story Mode 1&Season2
- Skyrim V: The Elder Scrolls
- Just Cause 3
- Tomb Raider(2013)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider

Re: Eure Xbone Games
Da ist in den letzten Jahren so einiges zusammengekommen.
268 Xbox One Spiele als Retail Version.
268 Xbox One Spiele als Retail Version.
2Dark Collector's Edition
Agents of Mayhem
Alekhine's Gun
Alien Isolation
Angry Birds - Star Wars
Arslan - The Warriors of Legend
Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed - The Ezio Collection
Assassin's Creed Rogue - Remastered
Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag
Assassin's Creed 5 - Unity
Assassin's Creed 7 - Syndicate: The Rooks Edition
Assassin's Creed 8 - Origins
Assetto Corsa
Attack on Titans - Wings of Freedom
Batman - Arkham Knight
Batman - Return to Arkham
Battle Chasers - Nightwar
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Bioshock - The Collection
Blackguards 2
Bladestorm - Nightmare
BlazBlue - Chrono Phantasma Extend
Blood Bowl 2
Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Borderlands - The Handesome Collection
Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition
Call of Duty – Ghosts (2013)
Call of Dury - Advanced Warfare (2014)
Call of Duty - Black Ops 3: Hardened Edition (2015)
Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare: Legacy Edition (2016)
Call of Duty – WWII (2017)
Carmageddon - Max Damage
Cities Skylines
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Darksiders 1 - Warmastered Edition
Darksiders 2 - Deathinitive Edition
Dark Souls 3
Das schwarze Auge - Nordlandtrilogie Schicksalsklinge
de Blob
Deadlight - Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Collection
Dead Rising 1 HD Remaster
Dead Rising 2 HD Remaster
Dead Rising 3
Dead Rising 4
Destiny - The Collection
Destiny 2
Deus Ex 4 - Mankind Divided
Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition
Die Landwirschaft 2017
Die Zwerge
Dirt Rally
Dirt 4 - Day One Edition
Dishonored - Die Maske des Zorns Definitive Edition
Dishonored 2 - Das Vermächtnis der Maske Collector's Edition
Dishonored 2 - Der Tod des Outsiders
Divinity Original Sin - Enhanced Edition
Divinity Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition
Dragonball Xenoverse
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Dreamfall Chapters
Dungeons 3
Dying Light - The Following Enhanced Edition
Dynasty Warriors 8 - Empires
EA Sports UFC
F1 2015
F1 2016
Far Cry 4
Far Cry Primal - Collectors Edition
Far Cry 5 - Gold Edition
Far Cry 5 - New Dawn Superbloom Edition
Fallout 76
Fallout 4 - The Pipboy Collectors Edition
Fantasia Music Evolved
Fighter Within
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
For Honor
Forza Horzion 2
Forza Horzion 3
Forza Motorsport 5
Forza Motorsport 5 - Game of The Year Edition
Game of Thrones - die komplette 1. Staffel
Gears of War - Ultimate Edition
Gears of War 4 - Ultimate Edition
Grand Theft Auto 5
Halo Wars 2 - Ultimate Edition
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
Halo 5 - Guardian
Homefront - The Revolution
Industrie Gigant 2
Immortal Unchained
Just Cause 3
Just Dance 2014
Just Dance 2015
Ken Follett - Die Säulen der Erde
Killer Instinct
Killing Floor 2
Kingdom Come Deliverance - Collectors Edition
Kingdom Hearts 3
L.A. Noire
LEGO Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham
LEGO Marvel - Super Heroes
LEGO Star Wars - Das Erwachen der Macht
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Limited Edition
Life is Strange - Limited Edition
Little Nightmare
Lock's Quest
Lords of the Fallen - Game of the Year Edition
Mad Max
Madden NFL 15
Madden NFL 16
Madden NFL 17
Madden NFL 18
Madden NFL 25
Mafia 3
Mark McMorris Infinite Air
Mass Effect - Andromeda
Metal Gear Solid 5 - Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid 5 - The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Survive
Metro Redux
Metro Exodus
Mighty No.9 - Ray-Edition
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mittelerde - Mordors Schatten
Mittelerde 2 - Schatten des Krieges
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Mount & Blade - Warband
Murdered – Soul Suspect
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
NBA 2k14
NBA 2k15
NBA 2k16
NBA 2k17
NBA Live 14
NBA Live 15
NBA Live 16
Need for Speed -Rivals
Need for Speed
Need for Speed - Payback
NHL 15
NHL 16
NHL 17
Okami HD
One Piece - Burning Blood
Outlast Trinity
Overwatch - Game of the Year Edition
Pillars of Eternity - Complete Edition
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
Project Cars
Project Spark
Pure Farming 2018
Rabbids Invasion - Die interaktive TV-Show
Railway Empire
Rare Replay
Rayman Legends
Red Dead Redemption 2
Resident Evil - Origins Collection
Resident Evil - Revelations
Resident Evil - Revelations 2
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 7
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Steelbook Edition
Rory McILory PGA Tour
Rugby World Cup 2015
Ryse - Son of Rome
Saints Row 4 Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell
Sèbastian Loeb Rally Evo
Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice
Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun
Shadow Warrior
Shape Up
Shenmue 1 & 2
Sherlock Holmes - Crimes & Punishments
Sine Mora EX
Sleeping Dogs - Definitive Edition
Sniper Elite 3 - Afrika
Sniper Elite 4 - Italia
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Song of the Deep
South Park - Der Stab der Wahrheit Remastered
South Park - The Fractured but Whole
Stardew Valley Collector's Edition
Star Wars Battlefront
State of Mind
Spyro the Dragon Reignited Trilogy
Sudden Strike 4 - European Battlefileds Edition
Sunset Overdrive
Super Lucky's Tale
Surviving Mars
Styx - Shards of Darkness
Tales from the Borderlands
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Crew - Limited Edition
The Divison
The Elder Scrolls Online - Tamriel Unlimited
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Special Edition
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 2
The Golf Club Collectors Edition
The Long Dark
The Surge
The Technomancer
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead - Season One
The Walking Dead - Season Two
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt
The Wolf Among Us
Thief 4
This is the Police
This War of Mine - The Little Ones
Titanfall 2
Titan Quest
Troll and I
Tropico 5 - Complete Edition
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Tony Hawk's Pro Sakter 5
Torment - Tides of Numenera
Tour de France 2015
Tour de France 2016
Wasteland 2 - Director's Cut
Quantum Break
Valkyria Revolution
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs 2
We Happy Few
Wolfenstein - The New Order
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
WWE 2K15
WWE 2K16
WWE 2K17
Yooka Laylee
Zombie Army Trilogy
Zoo Tycoon
Agents of Mayhem
Alekhine's Gun
Alien Isolation
Angry Birds - Star Wars
Arslan - The Warriors of Legend
Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed - The Ezio Collection
Assassin's Creed Rogue - Remastered
Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag
Assassin's Creed 5 - Unity
Assassin's Creed 7 - Syndicate: The Rooks Edition
Assassin's Creed 8 - Origins
Assetto Corsa
Attack on Titans - Wings of Freedom
Batman - Arkham Knight
Batman - Return to Arkham
Battle Chasers - Nightwar
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Bioshock - The Collection
Blackguards 2
Bladestorm - Nightmare
BlazBlue - Chrono Phantasma Extend
Blood Bowl 2
Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Borderlands - The Handesome Collection
Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition
Call of Duty – Ghosts (2013)
Call of Dury - Advanced Warfare (2014)
Call of Duty - Black Ops 3: Hardened Edition (2015)
Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare: Legacy Edition (2016)
Call of Duty – WWII (2017)
Carmageddon - Max Damage
Cities Skylines
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Darksiders 1 - Warmastered Edition
Darksiders 2 - Deathinitive Edition
Dark Souls 3
Das schwarze Auge - Nordlandtrilogie Schicksalsklinge
de Blob
Deadlight - Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Collection
Dead Rising 1 HD Remaster
Dead Rising 2 HD Remaster
Dead Rising 3
Dead Rising 4
Destiny - The Collection
Destiny 2
Deus Ex 4 - Mankind Divided
Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition
Die Landwirschaft 2017
Die Zwerge
Dirt Rally
Dirt 4 - Day One Edition
Dishonored - Die Maske des Zorns Definitive Edition
Dishonored 2 - Das Vermächtnis der Maske Collector's Edition
Dishonored 2 - Der Tod des Outsiders
Divinity Original Sin - Enhanced Edition
Divinity Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition
Dragonball Xenoverse
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Dreamfall Chapters
Dungeons 3
Dying Light - The Following Enhanced Edition
Dynasty Warriors 8 - Empires
EA Sports UFC
F1 2015
F1 2016
Far Cry 4
Far Cry Primal - Collectors Edition
Far Cry 5 - Gold Edition
Far Cry 5 - New Dawn Superbloom Edition
Fallout 76
Fallout 4 - The Pipboy Collectors Edition
Fantasia Music Evolved
Fighter Within
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
For Honor
Forza Horzion 2
Forza Horzion 3
Forza Motorsport 5
Forza Motorsport 5 - Game of The Year Edition
Game of Thrones - die komplette 1. Staffel
Gears of War - Ultimate Edition
Gears of War 4 - Ultimate Edition
Grand Theft Auto 5
Halo Wars 2 - Ultimate Edition
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
Halo 5 - Guardian
Homefront - The Revolution
Industrie Gigant 2
Immortal Unchained
Just Cause 3
Just Dance 2014
Just Dance 2015
Ken Follett - Die Säulen der Erde
Killer Instinct
Killing Floor 2
Kingdom Come Deliverance - Collectors Edition
Kingdom Hearts 3
L.A. Noire
LEGO Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham
LEGO Marvel - Super Heroes
LEGO Star Wars - Das Erwachen der Macht
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Limited Edition
Life is Strange - Limited Edition
Little Nightmare
Lock's Quest
Lords of the Fallen - Game of the Year Edition
Mad Max
Madden NFL 15
Madden NFL 16
Madden NFL 17
Madden NFL 18
Madden NFL 25
Mafia 3
Mark McMorris Infinite Air
Mass Effect - Andromeda
Metal Gear Solid 5 - Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid 5 - The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Survive
Metro Redux
Metro Exodus
Mighty No.9 - Ray-Edition
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mittelerde - Mordors Schatten
Mittelerde 2 - Schatten des Krieges
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Mount & Blade - Warband
Murdered – Soul Suspect
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
NBA 2k14
NBA 2k15
NBA 2k16
NBA 2k17
NBA Live 14
NBA Live 15
NBA Live 16
Need for Speed -Rivals
Need for Speed
Need for Speed - Payback
NHL 15
NHL 16
NHL 17
Okami HD
One Piece - Burning Blood
Outlast Trinity
Overwatch - Game of the Year Edition
Pillars of Eternity - Complete Edition
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
Project Cars
Project Spark
Pure Farming 2018
Rabbids Invasion - Die interaktive TV-Show
Railway Empire
Rare Replay
Rayman Legends
Red Dead Redemption 2
Resident Evil - Origins Collection
Resident Evil - Revelations
Resident Evil - Revelations 2
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 7
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Steelbook Edition
Rory McILory PGA Tour
Rugby World Cup 2015
Ryse - Son of Rome
Saints Row 4 Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell
Sèbastian Loeb Rally Evo
Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice
Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun
Shadow Warrior
Shape Up
Shenmue 1 & 2
Sherlock Holmes - Crimes & Punishments
Sine Mora EX
Sleeping Dogs - Definitive Edition
Sniper Elite 3 - Afrika
Sniper Elite 4 - Italia
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Song of the Deep
South Park - Der Stab der Wahrheit Remastered
South Park - The Fractured but Whole
Stardew Valley Collector's Edition
Star Wars Battlefront
State of Mind
Spyro the Dragon Reignited Trilogy
Sudden Strike 4 - European Battlefileds Edition
Sunset Overdrive
Super Lucky's Tale
Surviving Mars
Styx - Shards of Darkness
Tales from the Borderlands
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Crew - Limited Edition
The Divison
The Elder Scrolls Online - Tamriel Unlimited
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Special Edition
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 2
The Golf Club Collectors Edition
The Long Dark
The Surge
The Technomancer
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead - Season One
The Walking Dead - Season Two
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt
The Wolf Among Us
Thief 4
This is the Police
This War of Mine - The Little Ones
Titanfall 2
Titan Quest
Troll and I
Tropico 5 - Complete Edition
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Tony Hawk's Pro Sakter 5
Torment - Tides of Numenera
Tour de France 2015
Tour de France 2016
Wasteland 2 - Director's Cut
Quantum Break
Valkyria Revolution
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs 2
We Happy Few
Wolfenstein - The New Order
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
WWE 2K15
WWE 2K16
WWE 2K17
Yooka Laylee
Zombie Army Trilogy
Zoo Tycoon
Früher war ich Raubmordkopierer, jetzt bin ich Raubmordgebrauchtkäufer!
Re: Eure Xbone Games