... ed-it-drm/A company who makes add-ons for Flight Simulator X included malware in one of their downloadable jets, players have alleged. The malicious file is called ‘test.exe’ and it is designed to extract passwords from the Chrome web browser, according to the user who discovered it. The company in question, Flight Sim Labs, have since replaced the dirty jet with a clean one. But they say that to claim the file “indiscriminately dumps Chrome passwords” is “not correct information”, adding that the malware was “only extracted temporarily” and that it was targeted at pirates. The head of the company describes the file as “DRM”.
-edit: Im Folgestatement wird's noch schräger, sie haben die Schadsoftware laut eigener Aussage eingebaut, um einen einzelnen Cracker dingfest machen zu können: ... ore-518079