Zusammengefasst:The sure to be the most epic of horror title will be unveiled at this years Tokyo Game Show. Produced by Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami, directed by No More Heroes creator Suda 51, and scored by Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka. What ever this title may be, it’s sure to amazing. Three excellent Japanese video game professionals on one project. Suda 51′s absurd style, Mikami’s classic taste in horror, and Akira’s fantastic horror compositions will make this the wet dream of any horror game fan. We heard about Suda51′s horror title Kurayami, can this be it? All we were given was concept art for that title. It could be drastically different by now. All we know is that the title will appear on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Looks like we will have to wait till TGS in September for info on this title. Until then, let’s try to contain our excite….AHHHHHHH!
- EA arbeitet mit 3 hochkarätigen JP Developers an einem neuen Horror game für die Xbox 360 und PS3.
- Shinji Mikami ist Producer (Resident Evil Reihe), Suda51 ist Director (No More Heroes-Reihe) und Akira Yamaoka ist Composer (Silent Hill Reihe).
- Es wurden damals PC und Wii Versionen angekündigt, aber scheinen jetzt wohl gecancelt zu sein.
- Das Spiel wird am 15. September angekündigt. EA hat nämlich eine eigene TGS Show und man kann noch weitere Ankündigungen erwarten.
David DeMartini von EA bezügl. der kommenden Ankündigung:
"The key thing is not for us to tone down Suda or try and Westernise Suda, but to try and make sure the game gets broad enough exposure that more people appreciate it," DeMartini said. "Obviously with EA's publishing and sales team [...] people are going to get an opportunity to finally listen to what you guys have been writing about Suda for a long time."
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