Bedameister hat geschrieben:Supermopp90 hat geschrieben:
gibts dazu einen Online-Artikel? Wenn nicht, würde es dir was ausmachen vlt kurz die Pros und Contras zu notieren oder nen Screen zu machen? Wär toll (falls du den Artikel besitzt) ... astlevaniaCatlevania: LoS 2:
Claims nearly every attempt this game makes to "stray from its fundamental kill room formula ends in failure".
Reviewer loved the first game, said "Unfortunately this sequel is as fresh as a whiff of garlic breath".
Good new combat mechanics but enemies stun locking you out of combos from across the map while you fight with the camera.
Reviewer hates the modern setting, its filled with generic alley ways, factory levels.
Says there was one stealth segment that was the worst of its class. The more traditional Castlevania settings are better.
Says there is one great level with the toy maker, outside of that most of the game is just ground previously covered in the first game.
"This shambling monstrosity is composed of chunks from other, better games"
Nur so´n Gefühl...aber ich glaube der Reviewer ist´n Noob und hat keine Ahnung.

Und 2 Minuten später die Vorschau hier auf 4P.Gut.
Puh,erstmal Schwein gehabt.