... -ps3-beta/It appears that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are very close. However, there are some notable differences in the beta. The PS3 version seems to suffer from more screen tearing, but again seems to be isolated to the top of the screen. The PS3 version does seem to utilize more effects such as bloom as well as employ higher res-textures over the Xbox 360 version.
Since this is an early beta, its difficult to tell if some of these things will be ironed out by the final build of the game.
Alles in allem also erwartungsgemäßg dicht beisammen, mit geringen Vorteilen bei der PS3 (zumindest bei der Beta, wobei das erste Bild sehr komisch aussieht, viel zu grell). Die Beta habe ich im übrigen gestern kurz gespielt, alles in allem eher enttäuschend (wobei ich auch nicht wirklich häufig FPS spiele).