NVIDIA - GeForce-Treiber 337.88 (64 Bit)

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NVIDIA - GeForce-Treiber 337.88 (64 Bit)

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Treiber v337.88 für NVIDIA-GeForce-Grafikkarten für die 64-Bit-Versionen von Windows Vista, Windows 7 und Windows 8

New in GeForce 337.88 Game Ready WHQL drivers
Game Ready: This 337.88 Game Ready WHQL driver ensures you'll have the best possible gaming experience for Watch Dogs.

<strong>Performance:</strong> Introduces key DirectX optimizations which result in reduced game-loading times and significant performance increases across a wide variety of games compared with the previous 335.23 WHQL. Significant CPU overhead reductions in the driver result in performance gains that will often favor CPU-bottlenecked situations. Per usual, results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings.

Sample titles with performance gains of 10% or more since 335.23 WHQL.

3840x2160 (4K)
Call of Duty: Ghosts
F1 2013
Hitman Absolution
Sniper v2
DiRT 3
Just Cause 2
Team Fortress 2

Call of Duty: Ghosts
Sleeping Dogs
Hitman Absolution
World of Tanks
Just Cause 2
Team Fortress 2

<strong>System Configuration Used:
</strong>GeForce GTX 780Ti SLI, 335.23 WHQL, 337.88 WHQL, Intel Core i7 4770K, 16GB, Win8.1 x64
4K Displays &ndash; 337.88 WHQL offers full support for both MST and SST 4K displays

<strong>SLI Technology
</strong>Watch Dogs &ndash; updated profile
Wildstar &ndash; added profile
Windborne &ndash; added profile
Sniper Elite 3 &ndash; added profile
Smite &ndash; added profile
Icarus &ndash; added profile
Daylight &ndash; added profile
Dark Souls II &ndash; added profile
Call of Duty: Online &ndash; added profile
Bound by Flame &ndash; updated profile
World of Tanks &ndash; updated profile
Everquest: Landmark &ndash; updated profile
Planetside 2 &ndash; updated profile

<strong>Gaming Technology
</strong>Supports GeForce ShadowPlay technology
Supports GeForce ShadowPlay Twitch Streaming

</strong>Supports NVIDIA GameStream technology

<strong>3D Vision
</strong>Supports new '3D Compatibility Mode' for 3D Vision that enables us to improve the 3D experience for many key DirectX 10 and 11 games.
3D Vision Profiles
Goat Simulator &ndash; rated 'Excellent'
MXGP &ndash; rated 'Good'
Call of Duty:Online &ndash; rated 'Good'
Dark Souls II &ndash; rated 'Good'
DayZ &ndash; rated 'Good'
Halo: Spartan Assault &ndash; rated 'Good'
Loadout &ndash; rated 'Fair'

Hier geht es zum Download: NVIDIA - GeForce-Treiber 337.88 (64 Bit)