Sega Rally - Patch 4.060

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Sega Rally - Patch 4.060

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch für die europäische Version von <STRONG>Sega Rally </STRONG>(auch für die dt. Version)

<U>SEGA Rally Patch 4.060
-Shader 2.0 shadow fix
-Player change button disabled when rewinding Time Attack Replay
-Thread-safe network statistics
-Timeout for network start-up
-Improved Ghost Upload
-Graphical Shadow improvement
-Improved Ghost car behaviour when online
-Loading screen correction after failed ghost upload
-Ghost file handling improvement
-Ghost upload no longer takes place when rank is below 100
-Cursor fix on On-Screen Keyboard used for chat
-Leaderboard fixes to place '?' until leaderboard update takes place
-Fix to allow online ghosts to be accessible
-Head to Head user interface fix for overlapping icon
-User Interface flow issue fixed
-Shadows and Motion blur removed from Front End
-Fix for lock buffer exception crash
-Improvements to the Chat system
-Online Session update fix
-Improved game compatibility
-Online fix for connectivity
-Fix for displaying total car miles
-Improved online game search
-Timeout added to account creation and deletion
-Front end flow improved for Head to Head
-Account creation timeout fixed
-Connection dropout handling improved
-Uploading and Downloading Ghosts fixed
-Account Sign In fix
-Legal Screens can no longer be skipped
-Improved language support
-Missing icon replaced in Front End
-Icons fixed for Russian distributions
-Alt-F4 now handled more gracefully
-Improved online experience with updated server data
-Blank leaderboard fixed
-Sign In buttons fixed
-Updated Chat menu
-Chat file handling fix
-Gamer Pictures added to online experience
-Text Scaling fix in Front End menu system
-Chatting whilst going into an online race fixed
-Audio loading moved to improve performance
-Improved Alt-TAB support
-Online Menu update in Front End
-Leaderboard caching to improve leaderboard performance
-Aspect Ratio in Launcher corrected and filtered
-Flashing Textures fixed
-Graphic tab in launcher layout improved
-Audio fix to Front End
-Fix for exiting the game with an Xbox 360 Controller
-Fix for car mud at low resolutions causing a crash
-Improved PC Clock update accuracy
-Main menu and Pause menu audio matched
-Co-Driver audio faded out on entering menus
-Fix for race not starting in specific circumstances in lobby
-Audio fix for post race glitches
-Multiplayer online championship points reset between championships
-Lap counter fixed in online games
-Online game searches fixed when a large number of games exist
-Font corrections for hi resolution displays
-Front end flow to highlight correct menu item in lobby
-Shadow improvements
-Game Launcher improvements
-Improved game clock synchronisation
-Improved Xbox 360 Controller support
-SSE1 Optimisations
-Head to Head enabled
-Bonnet flash between camera cuts fixed
-Glow reset between races
-Front end fixes for help text

Hier geht es zum Download: Sega Rally - Patch 4.060
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 25.12.2014 16:43
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Re: Sega Rally - Patch 4.060

Beitrag von Wolfsblut51015 »

Ich kann nur hoffen das dieser Patch meine Performance Issues behebt da mein system für actuelle High End Titel (The Evil Within, X Rebirth, Crysis 3, Watch Dogs und so alles drum herum) ausgelgt wurde und alle angeblich so schweren Titel auf dem mit über 60-120 FPS laufen und nicht mal oft mehr als 33-45% haben.. aber das Spiel killt meinen PC? rofl only ey,
entweder ist der Code der Engine schrott oder das Spiel war echt nur die damals 10€ mal Wert.
Hatte so viel schlechtes gehört aber dachte es würde wenigstens anständig laufen und hab es mir gekauft.
Selbst mein PC damals hatte nur zu wenig ram aber bot mir wenigstens flüssige 60 FPS..
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 25.12.2014 16:43
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Re: Sega Rally - Patch 4.060

Beitrag von Wolfsblut51015 »

Lässt sich nicht Patchen "nicht Inalliert" will das mich verarschen??
Wirklich toll...wenn es dann Perfromance Updates gibt geht der scheiße nicht..