Penumbra - Im Halbschatten: Episode 1 - Patch 1.1

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Penumbra - Im Halbschatten: Episode 1 - Patch 1.1

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.1 für <STRONG>Penumbra -&nbsp; Im Halbschatten: Episode 1</STRONG>

-Included the ATI hotfix.
-Updated the bundled OpenAL to summer 2009 release.
-Signed the installer.

- Fixed graphics glitches on new ATI cards(HD/X1000 series) and new ATI drivers
- Various optimisations
- Various fixes

- BumpSpec* changed to saturate w coord of BumpVec. Fixes strangeness on ATI with specular.
- was given 4d Color. Fixes disappering alpha geometry.
- Fixed strangness on ATI in shader quality Medium
- Fixed strangness on ATI in shader quality Low
- Attenuation bug for Low and Medium shader fixed.
- Minor misc other changes

- Keypad works after switching interact / examine buttons in settings.
- Shortcut key can be used to look at blank note.
- Jump + Tab does not increase jump height.
- Entering a map where a worm has appeared no longer result in crash.
- Cannot exit chemical storage after worm enters any longer.
- Updated BlackBox to give better information on crashes.
- Update StickAreas, hopefully solving cable bug.
- Updated MotionBlur.
- Added crosshair as an option.
- Fixed personal task not removed properly.
- Fixed lag issue with boulder in water cave.
- OpenAL fixes, SoundBlaster X-Fi/Audigy should be more compatible now.
- Ladders less prone to let the player fall of when exiting.
- Minor level and event fixes.

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Registriert: 02.02.2019 13:01
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Re: Penumbra - Im Halbschatten: Episode 1 - Patch 1.1

Beitrag von Walti »


endlich läuft's gescheit!

Herzlichen Dank für das bereitgestellte Patch 1.1

Walti (Penumbra Fan aus Wolfratshausen)