Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Patch 1.9.22 -> 1.10.1

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Patch 1.9.22 -> 1.10.1

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.10.1 für <strong>Euro Truck Simulator 2</strong> von Version
Nicht für die Steam-Version.


<li>Support for metallic paintjobs.</li>
<li>Fixed possible rare hang or crash.</li>
<li>Physics parameters of the fifth wheel are configurable in physics.sii</li>

<li>Updated accessories to support paintjobs</li>
<li>Corrected speed limits in Austria, Belgium and Germany</li>
<li>Tweaked prices and unlock levels of some accessories</li>
<li>Fixed acceleration of traffic</li>
<li>Tweaked accessories of traffic trucks (badges, mirrors and sunshields)</li>
<li>Fixed various bugs in truck and trailer models</li>

Hier geht es zum Download: Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Patch 1.9.22 -> 1.10.1