Rock Band 2 drumset

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Registriert: 09.09.2004 10:39
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Rock Band 2 drumset

Beitrag von Nudelh0lz »

hi, weiss jemand, wo ich das RB2 drumset herbekomme? (kein US-Import!)?

oder gibt es die gar nicht bei uns in der nähe...?

(am besten WII, aber wollte mal allgemein wissen)

ok, habe herausgefunden, dass es sie "noch" nicht gibt in EU.
weiss man schon irgendwas WANN es sie geben wird?
Beiträge: 6253
Registriert: 10.06.2007 13:53
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Beitrag von MasterM!nd »

beatles rb drums

die gibts überall

amazon etc.
Beiträge: 1036
Registriert: 09.09.2004 10:39
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Beitrag von Nudelh0lz »

ok, ich will aber kein RB beatles... ist mir das geld nicht wert. will nur die drums ^^
Beiträge: 1207
Registriert: 30.03.2008 14:11
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Beitrag von mikina »

Mit Mikrofon und Gitarre gibt es die für 45 Euro bei Amazon. Und das sollte jetzt nicht so teuer sein. Was für einen Preis hast du dir denn vorgestellt?
Beiträge: 1036
Registriert: 09.09.2004 10:39
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Beitrag von Nudelh0lz »

mikina hat geschrieben:Mit Mikrofon und Gitarre gibt es die für 45 Euro bei Amazon. Und das sollte jetzt nicht so teuer sein. Was für einen Preis hast du dir denn vorgestellt?

das sind die RB1 drums wie weit ich weiss. wenn nicht, plz link?

kann mir vllt jemand die email geben, an die ich mich wenden könnte um es "persönlich" bei ihnen nachzufragen?
(EA oder harmonix?)
Beiträge: 569
Registriert: 08.07.2004 13:42
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Beitrag von Amp` »

Ich glaube die Instrumente von Rock Band 2 sind nie in Deutschland auf den Markt gekommen.. ... Paket.html

Das war im Februar, mittlerweile ist November und es gibt die Bealtes Hardware. Ich geh mal davon aus, dass da nix mehr von Rock Band 2 kommt. :/
Beiträge: 1036
Registriert: 09.09.2004 10:39
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Beitrag von Nudelh0lz »

hab ne mail mit der frage ob demnächst oda so RB2 drums oder bundle kommen wird (EU), an support von harmonix.

hab bisher die auto-mail bekommen:
Hey there rocker,

Thanks so much for writing in! Unfortunately we are currently swamped with e-mails and travel and may not be able to reply right away. Below, we’ve included a list of answers to common questions that may be able to help you immediately. If these do not answer your question please write back and you’ll be placed at the top of the queue and we’ll be able to get to you quickly!

Please be sure to thoroughly read through the various questions and answers (especially regarding issues of song/band requests, instrument/disc problems and warranty returns). Every person who writes in to the support queue here at Harmonix receives a personal reply if requested. The auto-reply we use is intended to help you guys with easy to solve issues find a resolution as quickly as possible.

Thanks and keep on rockin’
The Harmonix Community Team
Harmonix Music Systems, Inc.

Did you just purchase Lego Rock Band? For any questions, tech support, or export issues please direct your queries to

Why don’t you have XYZ band in this game / you guys really need to include XYZ song in Rock Band!

Thank you for that awesome suggestion! You can post your suggestions using the official song request feature on as many times as you want (meaning every time you think of another rockin’ band).

*This is the best possible way to get your song-request to count.*

Here is the link:

I have a problem with one of my instruments / game disc / download code.

If you contact the Electronic Arts support center, the associates there will be able to walk you through the warranty replacement process or help troubleshoot your code and get you rocking again in no time.

How to contact EA:
EA (Rock Band) support phone number: (650) 628-1001
(If you cannot reach EA by phone, there is email functionality via the website).

Why does the Wii have fewer DLC choices than either the PlayStation 3 or the Xbox 360?

As I'm sure you're aware, DLC support for the Wii has only been available since Rock Band 2. There is a HUGE library of songs available and that means a lot of work porting them over to a new platform (i.e. the Nintendo Wii). This involves much more work than just copying and pasting the songs from the PS3/X360. Rest assured that our plan is for complete parity between all three platforms and we are working very hard and very diligently to achieve this! We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Why can’t I link my game to your website?

You’re in luck! We've come up with a simple step-by-step guide to linking your account for all systems here:

Help! I just can’t seem to get the calibration right!

Because of the large variation in televisions and cables it can often be frustrating to find the calibration that works best for each set up. However, one of our developers has writing an extensive guide to help everyone figure out the ideal settings on our forums here: ... ost1750645

Please peruse the thread and post follow-up questions in there and you should up and rocking again in no time!

I just bought Rock Band 2 for the Wii and I can’t find my 20 Free DLC code!

Good news! You don’t need a code to download Rock Band 2’s 20 Free DLC on the Wii. Just go to the on-line Music Store within the game and every song priced at 0 credits can be downloaded free of charge!

I have another music game at home – will my instruments/game work with the Rock Band games/instruments?

For information about compatibility with our software and all currently available third party peripherals, check out the following:

Harmonix knows that there are a variety of hardware choices available for your music game of choice. We’ve gathered information here that represents our understanding of hardware compatibility to date. We believe in an open-platform philosophy for instrument controllers and are working to ensure future compatibility. We allow all third-party companies to follow our open-standards and develop for our platform without needing to jump through any legal or logistical hoops.

I am interested in job opportunities at Harmonix. Who should I contact?

Please head on over to to view all available job listings. You can apply through our website or send an email to to learn more about any positions that interest you.

Help! I think my DLC is broken/I can only play my DLC when connected to XBL!

First, try deleting the individual track and redownloading it from the in-game music store. Be sure that you have all of the latest updates and patches for your game and your console installed. If you’ve recently had your 360 repaired or replaced recently, you will need to migrate your DLC licenses. There is a simple tool to do this – please write back and we’ll tell you how.

I have a Sony PlayStation 3 and I am having some troubles with Firmware 2.80!

We are aware of the issue and are taking appropriate measures to address it. Unfortunately, at this time, there's not much direct information that I can pass along in terms of progress, though we are working with Sony to remedy this. We will be posting official updates, as they are available, to

Luckily, there is a workaround that should allow you to continue using your instruments. In the system software (not the game but the settings screen when you first turn on your PS3) will notice that the controller defaults to Slot 7, change this to Slot 1 and you should be ready to go again!

I have a great idea for a game! Who do I talk to?

We thank you for your enthusiasm, but Harmonix does not accept unsolicited proposals, materials, submissions or ideas.
und nun?^^
Beiträge: 1207
Registriert: 30.03.2008 14:11
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Beitrag von mikina »

Nur mal so eine Frage: Was ist denn am 2er so anders? Funktionieren tut es ja mit beiden.
Beiträge: 1036
Registriert: 09.09.2004 10:39
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Beitrag von Nudelh0lz »

der ist vorallem leiser, bessere verarbeitung (bass pedal hat z.b. eine metallplatte)

genau weiss ich das jetz also auch nicht. aber wenn das nur wenig mehr kostet, warum dann mit dem 1. spielen^^