Halo: Reach
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- Beybronxer
- Beiträge: 318
- Registriert: 14.10.2009 18:56
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Ich hab noch so ein super Beispiel.
Spiele grad Firefight und so ein Typ wirft vor mich eine Plasmagranate. Die killt mich nicht und hat mir auch kein Schaden zugefügt, na ja es waren aber keine Gegner da. Als so muss er es absichtlich gemacht haben, aber .... nun ja was solls ? Eine Sekunde später wirft er noch eine, die aber hääte mich fast gekillt.
Als Antwort werfe ich auch ne Plasmagrante ungefähr 5 Meter von ihm entfernt.....und ratet mal was er macht ?
Er rennt einfach rein,stirbt dabei und dieses miese Arschloch wirft mich raus.
Das sind so provozierende Spieler dich mich einfach nur"nerven" um mich lieb auszudrücken.
Spiele grad Firefight und so ein Typ wirft vor mich eine Plasmagranate. Die killt mich nicht und hat mir auch kein Schaden zugefügt, na ja es waren aber keine Gegner da. Als so muss er es absichtlich gemacht haben, aber .... nun ja was solls ? Eine Sekunde später wirft er noch eine, die aber hääte mich fast gekillt.
Als Antwort werfe ich auch ne Plasmagrante ungefähr 5 Meter von ihm entfernt.....und ratet mal was er macht ?
Er rennt einfach rein,stirbt dabei und dieses miese Arschloch wirft mich raus.
Das sind so provozierende Spieler dich mich einfach nur"nerven" um mich lieb auszudrücken.
- HardcoreTribeNo.1
- Beiträge: 895
- Registriert: 29.09.2008 19:46
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Das ist ein super Beispiel für die Kinder, die momentan Halo Reach online spielen. Ist mir auch langsam zu blöd online, da bei Headhunte rjeder zu blöd ist die Schädel aufzunehmen und zu den jeweiligen Punkten zu bringen. Da lief einer rum und hatte in meinen Team 7 Schädel - Was macht er? Läuft zu ein paar Gegnern und will Kills machen, stirbt und die Kontrahenten punkten schlagartig -.-Beybronxer hat geschrieben:Ich hab noch so ein super Beispiel.
Spiele grad Firefight und so ein Typ wirft vor mich eine Plasmagranate. Die killt mich nicht und hat mir auch kein Schaden zugefügt, na ja es waren aber keine Gegner da. Als so muss er es absichtlich gemacht haben, aber .... nun ja was solls ? Eine Sekunde später wirft er noch eine, die aber hääte mich fast gekillt.
Als Antwort werfe ich auch ne Plasmagrante ungefähr 5 Meter von ihm entfernt.....und ratet mal was er macht ?
Er rennt einfach rein,stirbt dabei und dieses miese Arschloch wirft mich raus.
Das sind so provozierende Spieler dich mich einfach nur"nerven" um mich lieb auszudrücken.

- Beybronxer
- Beiträge: 318
- Registriert: 14.10.2009 18:56
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Was mich auch in Halo Reach besonders stört, ist die Unfähigkeit mancher Team Kameraden.
Nehmen wir als Beispiel Team Slayer:
Sagen wir es sind zwei gute Spieler im Team und 2 schlechte. Am Ende siehts immer so aus, dass die schlechten vielleicht 2 Kills haben und dann aus dem Match aussteigen, weil sie sich bei Mutti erst einmal aus heulen müssen.
Natürlich kann ich das verstehen, es ist ja auch zum Heulen wie schlecht sie sind.
Ihrer Ansicht nach sind die Gegner alle Cheater. Sie können doch nicht 13 Kills in einem Spiel haben
Selbstverständlich wissen sie nicht wie Inkompetent sie eigentlich selber sind.
Und auch, wenn sie Neulinge sind müssen sie doch wenigstens etwas Basis Wissen mitbringen.
Nehmen wir als Beispiel Team Slayer:
Sagen wir es sind zwei gute Spieler im Team und 2 schlechte. Am Ende siehts immer so aus, dass die schlechten vielleicht 2 Kills haben und dann aus dem Match aussteigen, weil sie sich bei Mutti erst einmal aus heulen müssen.
Natürlich kann ich das verstehen, es ist ja auch zum Heulen wie schlecht sie sind.
Ihrer Ansicht nach sind die Gegner alle Cheater. Sie können doch nicht 13 Kills in einem Spiel haben

Selbstverständlich wissen sie nicht wie Inkompetent sie eigentlich selber sind.
Und auch, wenn sie Neulinge sind müssen sie doch wenigstens etwas Basis Wissen mitbringen.
- CoD ist ein gutes Spiel
- Beiträge: 2371
- Registriert: 17.12.2008 16:34
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Ich hab auch manchmal ne schlechte Runde und mach weniger als 10 Kills. (normalerweise bin ich ein 1337 mlg Pr0Gam3r). Also wenn in Team Slayer mal jemand rumnoobt ist das imo halb so ärgerlich wie wenn jemand einfach nicht auf das Spielziel verfolgt und nur auf Kills aus ist.
Die Provizierenden sind einfach Arschlöcher bzw Halo Reach Trolle. Man sollte halt einfach nicht reagieren wenn man von Teamkameraden angeschossen wird, dann passiert einem auch nichts. Vor allem in Firefight.
Naja sowas wie grad eben beschrieben wird meistens nicht von den Kids gemacht. Kinder nehmen das Spiel meistens viel zu ernst schreien rum wenn man am Verlieren ist, verlassen das Spiel, team killen dich um den Scorpion zu kriegen.Das ist ein super Beispiel für die Kinder, die momentan Halo Reach online spielen.
Die Provizierenden sind einfach Arschlöcher bzw Halo Reach Trolle. Man sollte halt einfach nicht reagieren wenn man von Teamkameraden angeschossen wird, dann passiert einem auch nichts. Vor allem in Firefight.
Hier stand mal was, steht aber nichts mehr da
Manchmal bin ich sogar roh wenn jemand aus meinem Team quittet. Erhöht die Chance, dass ich mehr Kills mache und der Gegner hat geringere Chancen zu punkten
[img]http://www.firebrandstore.com/images/tu ... banner.jpg[/img]
O ma fahren de strammen Max wei hemm un dann geh ma noch en bissi Melzen gucken uf de Viehmarkt.
O ma fahren de strammen Max wei hemm un dann geh ma noch en bissi Melzen gucken uf de Viehmarkt.
- Beiträge: 26973
- Registriert: 05.08.2002 13:11
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Tjo, das könnte zukünftig noch viel schlimmer werden, denn noch sind ja nicht wirklich alle Besitzer einer Konsole auch online und können daher online spielen. Ist doch eh immer das Gleiche: je mehr etwas die breite Masse erreicht, desto mehr geht es vor die Hunde.
Ist ja auch recht einfach zu erklären: am Anfang sind es nur wenige, die die ganze Sache aber ernst genug nehmen und je mehr von der breiten Masse dazu kommen, desto mehr sind dabei, die das Ganze nicht ernst genug nehmen und irgend einen Mist machen.
Daher findet man auch eher noch Leute aus der Freundesliste, mit denen man benutzerdefinierte Spiele wesentlich besser spielen kann als über die Spielersuche.
Ist ja auch recht einfach zu erklären: am Anfang sind es nur wenige, die die ganze Sache aber ernst genug nehmen und je mehr von der breiten Masse dazu kommen, desto mehr sind dabei, die das Ganze nicht ernst genug nehmen und irgend einen Mist machen.
Daher findet man auch eher noch Leute aus der Freundesliste, mit denen man benutzerdefinierte Spiele wesentlich besser spielen kann als über die Spielersuche.
- Beiträge: 17097
- Registriert: 31.03.2009 20:12
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- Beybronxer
- Beiträge: 318
- Registriert: 14.10.2009 18:56
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Na immer hin hast du überahupt welche. Die Typen beenden das Spiel weil sie vllt. nach einer oder 2 Minuten erst 2-3 Kills gemacht haben.deioma hat geschrieben:Ich hab auch manchmal ne schlechte Runde und mach weniger als 10 Kills. (normalerweise bin ich ein 1337 mlg Pr0Gam3r). Also wenn in Team Slayer mal jemand rumnoobt ist das imo halb so ärgerlich wie wenn jemand einfach nicht auf das Spielziel verfolgt und nur auf Kills aus ist.
Und ich glaube du kannst dir gut vorstellen, wenn ich alleine gegen 4 Gegner spielen muss.
Solche Sachen regen mich auf.

Nichtsdestotrotz gibt es in allen mehr oder weniger erfolgreichen Spielen gute und schlechte Spieler, sowie Arschlöcher und Nobbs.
So etwas kann man nicht verhindern, besonders nicht in Halo Reach.Welches mittlerweile alleine in der 1. Woche 4.050.000 verkauft wurde.
Tendenz steigend
- Beiträge: 17097
- Registriert: 31.03.2009 20:12
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Hab hier was feines auf YouTube gefunden!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ld45D9S ... r_embedded
Und hier ein Paar EasterEggs! ^^
Dance Dance Dance...
Halsey's Labor.
Reach Racer's.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovafv-sx ... r_embedded#!
Master Chief Statur.
: Bob
The "Golden Elites" or Elite Rangers (all named "Bob") are Elites with yellow armor and blue helmet visors. They appear in some levels and then quickly vanish into thin air if you don't kill them. It is unknown how difficulty level effects their appearances. You will get a medal for killing these called "Seek and Destroy." Nothing else is known about them. Here are some of the locations where you'll find these strange fellows: Winter Contingency: On the Campaign level Winter Contingency, quickly make your way through the level and you will randomly encounter the "Elite Ranger". His armor is bright yellow and his helmet has a blue visor that shields his entire face. (He appears on both Legendary and Normal difficulty, but he seems to show up in different areas). Usually he appears during the part of the mission where you're driving Carter and Jorge around looking for the stranded marines. Kill him and you'll be rewarded with a special medal in your medal chest on Bungie.net. He will show up in your statistics as one of the types of enemies you've killed. In the stats section, it lists him as an Elite Ranger, and actually says his name is "Bob". -- Shamrock20 Nightfall: In the area where you meet up with the colonists fighting a pack of Covenant, this Elite appears -- and quickly dissapears -- amongst the buildings. The Package: On the Package, once you enter the gate to Oni Sword Base (Rally Point Alpha), quickly head up the ramp and look to the left to spot the Elite. It's in the courtyard area where you meet up with Noble Team before heading into Sword Base. The Pillar of Autumn: After the Bugger cave you'll come across two massive buildings in a valley. The second building you come to -- the one with both Data Pads -- has a a garage at one end (to the right when facing it). Inside the garage you'll find this Elite.
Back to top - Egg by Mitragynine
All: Dave?
R click with any non scoped weapon, look at the bottom left of screen you'll see a binary number 01000100011000010111011001100101 and a spartan 3 bios number. Binary translates into Dave
Back to top - Egg by AG
Any: Golden Bullet
Every so often a bullet in the DMR is golden, if you watch someone fire off enough shots one might be gold. It will sit on the floor for a while and almost glows.
Back to top - Egg by DarkSpartan
Any: Hornet Graphic on Jet Pack
If you equip the jetpack, you can see the same graphic seen on the hornet underneath the jets after you start to hover in the air.
Back to top - Egg by DarkSpartan
Any: Misriah Armory
If you go onto any mission and look at a UNSC gun it should say on it Misriah Armory this is probably the UNSC's main armory on the planet. It is probably best to use a gun with a scope on to see it as it is sometimes hard to see it on some guns.
Back to top - Egg by James C
Countdown: Chatter Box
When playing on the map countdown in multiplayer go to the ramp between the two energy shafts were the Energy Sword is. Face towards the rest of the map and then head towards your right. After exiting the room with the energy shaft head towards the corner to your right -- basically, walk across the bridge to the east past the sword. If you stand there for a little bit you should start to hear radio transmissions which include ones between control and a commander of a squadron who reminds control his men aren't Spartans. The radio can be seen in the eastern corner.
Back to top - Egg by Mitragynine
Credits: Lucky Number 7
After the credits roll around on any difficulty level, the honey-comb pattern in the background flashes a gold number 7.
Back to top - Egg by Xeraans
Exodus: MOA Flavoured Burgers
In the level Exodus when you first encounter Civillians (The part when the drop ship rises up over the ledge) turn left and you will see some stairs, go up them and then look to your right and you will see a sign with 3 MOA's on it and the words "New Flavour". I wonder what MOA tastes like
Back to top - Egg by Steroidcloud
Exodus: MOA Burger costs $7.77
If you look at the sign that shows the MOA burger, you will see that it costs $7.77c this is a reference to bungie's Lucky number 7.
Back to top - Egg by Steroidcloud
Field Manual: Defend C: 117m
In your ~Halo: Reach~ Field Manual, look closely at page 17's screenshot at the top (screenshot also shown on the back of the Halo: Reach case). At the bottom of the screenshot, defend symbol C is shown. To the right of the symbol, it says 117 meters, a reference to John 117 (AKA: Masterchief). NOTE: This is not necessarily an easter egg, I just thought that it was a coincidence that an objective in a screenshot just happened to be 117 meters away.
Back to top - Egg by Shjon Kern ~ GT: XxPWNMEISTRxX
Long Night of Solace: Marty Reference in 'Long Night of Solace'
On this level, when you are in the Corvette, a group of marines should join your fireteam. If you look at their names in the lower left of the screen, one of their names should be M.O Donnell. His service tag is MRTY. This is a reference to Marty O' Donnell, the person who composed the music for the Halo series!
Back to top - Egg by Monsta Masha
New Alexandria: Data Pad on New Alexandria
Once you have shut off the jammer in the club walk outside of the club. Fly your falcon directly NORTHEAST to the tall building. If you look around on the roof in front of a closed door is a date pad. At the time I am writing this only one data pad has been discovered which is on the level "Winter Contigency" The first page of the data pad reads, "i hope you are finding these because they are very important maybe you can help me spread tru7h..." This leads me to believe there are multiple data pads, perhaps one on every level in the campaign. Good luck in searching for them
This can be done on any mode... even "easy" mode, however the first data pad discovered so far can only be found on "legendary" mode, therefore some data pads hidden in the game may only be found on legendary mode. Again good luck everyone.
Back to top - Egg by Cilvers
New Alexandria: newspaper smiley face
On top of the building with the large green emblem, about halfway between the hospital and the club, there's a smiley face made out of newspaper on the center of the outer black glass ring. It's easiest to see when lightning sheds some light on it, but you can easily see it from the falcon regardless
Back to top - Egg by Starq
New Alexandria: Buck
After you take down the first jammer at the hospital, you will get a transmission that says that Gunnery Sargent Buck and his squad is in need of assistance. This is a reference to ODST Buck, in Halo 3: ODST. Note that at the last level of ODST he is heard saying "We made it out of Reach, We can make it out of this.".
Back to top - Egg by MarineDown
New Alexandria: The Siege of Mandrigal as elevator music
On legendary difficulty with the IWHBYD-skull activated "The Siege of Mandrigal" is played in the left elevator to the Ivory Tower.
Back to top - Egg by fabiei
New Alexandria: Ivory Tower Located in Sinoviet Tower
As the level progresses, you will be given the objective to destroy a Covenant Jammer in the Sinoviet Industries tower. The lobby for the tower is identical to the Ivory Tower multiplayer map from Halo 2.
Back to top - Egg by Nazzer
New Alexandria: Dialogue
When flying in the air you can hear a gunner say "Just like shooting swamprats back home"
Back to top - Egg by Satinmanatee
New Alexandria: DJ Brute
When it is time to shut off the second jammer(the one that is in the club), fly up to the club. Feel free to clear the outside, but you dont need to go inside. Then go back to the hospital(the location of the first jammer), and fly around the outside until you find a ledge that has two trees on it(it is pretty low on the tower and can be difficult to spot). Land on it and there will be a switch on the wall. When you go up to the switch it will say "hold x to open door", but no door will open. After you hit the switch, go back to the club. Inside, there will be alot of dancing grunts and a Brute acting as DJ. The song playing will be a club remix of the Halo theme. Then if you go back outside and fly to the roof there will be another switch behind some pipes. Hitting it will change the song in the club to a remix of "the siege of mandrigal", which has been featured in every halo game to date. When you kill the DJ brute, the record scratches and the music stops. No matter what you do though, the grunts will not stop dancing, making for some easy kills.
Back to top - Egg by apollyon1991
New Alexandria (Ivory Tower): Suicidal Marine
Inside the ivory tower part of the mission, use the jetpack to fly up to the tallest balcony. Turn right and follow it to the first door on your left where you will see and hear a marine debating whether or not to shoot himself with a magnum.
Back to top - Egg by Jacob Fulwider
Noble Actual: AR number 7 reference.
After the Zealot elites attack you, you pick up your assault rifle and before you reload it, it has 07 rounds in it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ld45D9S ... r_embedded
Und hier ein Paar EasterEggs! ^^
Dance Dance Dance...
Halsey's Labor.
Reach Racer's.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovafv-sx ... r_embedded#!
Master Chief Statur.
: Bob
The "Golden Elites" or Elite Rangers (all named "Bob") are Elites with yellow armor and blue helmet visors. They appear in some levels and then quickly vanish into thin air if you don't kill them. It is unknown how difficulty level effects their appearances. You will get a medal for killing these called "Seek and Destroy." Nothing else is known about them. Here are some of the locations where you'll find these strange fellows: Winter Contingency: On the Campaign level Winter Contingency, quickly make your way through the level and you will randomly encounter the "Elite Ranger". His armor is bright yellow and his helmet has a blue visor that shields his entire face. (He appears on both Legendary and Normal difficulty, but he seems to show up in different areas). Usually he appears during the part of the mission where you're driving Carter and Jorge around looking for the stranded marines. Kill him and you'll be rewarded with a special medal in your medal chest on Bungie.net. He will show up in your statistics as one of the types of enemies you've killed. In the stats section, it lists him as an Elite Ranger, and actually says his name is "Bob". -- Shamrock20 Nightfall: In the area where you meet up with the colonists fighting a pack of Covenant, this Elite appears -- and quickly dissapears -- amongst the buildings. The Package: On the Package, once you enter the gate to Oni Sword Base (Rally Point Alpha), quickly head up the ramp and look to the left to spot the Elite. It's in the courtyard area where you meet up with Noble Team before heading into Sword Base. The Pillar of Autumn: After the Bugger cave you'll come across two massive buildings in a valley. The second building you come to -- the one with both Data Pads -- has a a garage at one end (to the right when facing it). Inside the garage you'll find this Elite.
Back to top - Egg by Mitragynine
All: Dave?
R click with any non scoped weapon, look at the bottom left of screen you'll see a binary number 01000100011000010111011001100101 and a spartan 3 bios number. Binary translates into Dave

Back to top - Egg by AG
Any: Golden Bullet
Every so often a bullet in the DMR is golden, if you watch someone fire off enough shots one might be gold. It will sit on the floor for a while and almost glows.
Back to top - Egg by DarkSpartan
Any: Hornet Graphic on Jet Pack
If you equip the jetpack, you can see the same graphic seen on the hornet underneath the jets after you start to hover in the air.
Back to top - Egg by DarkSpartan
Any: Misriah Armory
If you go onto any mission and look at a UNSC gun it should say on it Misriah Armory this is probably the UNSC's main armory on the planet. It is probably best to use a gun with a scope on to see it as it is sometimes hard to see it on some guns.
Back to top - Egg by James C
Countdown: Chatter Box
When playing on the map countdown in multiplayer go to the ramp between the two energy shafts were the Energy Sword is. Face towards the rest of the map and then head towards your right. After exiting the room with the energy shaft head towards the corner to your right -- basically, walk across the bridge to the east past the sword. If you stand there for a little bit you should start to hear radio transmissions which include ones between control and a commander of a squadron who reminds control his men aren't Spartans. The radio can be seen in the eastern corner.
Back to top - Egg by Mitragynine
Credits: Lucky Number 7
After the credits roll around on any difficulty level, the honey-comb pattern in the background flashes a gold number 7.
Back to top - Egg by Xeraans
Exodus: MOA Flavoured Burgers
In the level Exodus when you first encounter Civillians (The part when the drop ship rises up over the ledge) turn left and you will see some stairs, go up them and then look to your right and you will see a sign with 3 MOA's on it and the words "New Flavour". I wonder what MOA tastes like
Back to top - Egg by Steroidcloud
Exodus: MOA Burger costs $7.77
If you look at the sign that shows the MOA burger, you will see that it costs $7.77c this is a reference to bungie's Lucky number 7.
Back to top - Egg by Steroidcloud
Field Manual: Defend C: 117m
In your ~Halo: Reach~ Field Manual, look closely at page 17's screenshot at the top (screenshot also shown on the back of the Halo: Reach case). At the bottom of the screenshot, defend symbol C is shown. To the right of the symbol, it says 117 meters, a reference to John 117 (AKA: Masterchief). NOTE: This is not necessarily an easter egg, I just thought that it was a coincidence that an objective in a screenshot just happened to be 117 meters away.
Back to top - Egg by Shjon Kern ~ GT: XxPWNMEISTRxX
Long Night of Solace: Marty Reference in 'Long Night of Solace'
On this level, when you are in the Corvette, a group of marines should join your fireteam. If you look at their names in the lower left of the screen, one of their names should be M.O Donnell. His service tag is MRTY. This is a reference to Marty O' Donnell, the person who composed the music for the Halo series!
Back to top - Egg by Monsta Masha
New Alexandria: Data Pad on New Alexandria
Once you have shut off the jammer in the club walk outside of the club. Fly your falcon directly NORTHEAST to the tall building. If you look around on the roof in front of a closed door is a date pad. At the time I am writing this only one data pad has been discovered which is on the level "Winter Contigency" The first page of the data pad reads, "i hope you are finding these because they are very important maybe you can help me spread tru7h..." This leads me to believe there are multiple data pads, perhaps one on every level in the campaign. Good luck in searching for them

Back to top - Egg by Cilvers
New Alexandria: newspaper smiley face
On top of the building with the large green emblem, about halfway between the hospital and the club, there's a smiley face made out of newspaper on the center of the outer black glass ring. It's easiest to see when lightning sheds some light on it, but you can easily see it from the falcon regardless
Back to top - Egg by Starq
New Alexandria: Buck
After you take down the first jammer at the hospital, you will get a transmission that says that Gunnery Sargent Buck and his squad is in need of assistance. This is a reference to ODST Buck, in Halo 3: ODST. Note that at the last level of ODST he is heard saying "We made it out of Reach, We can make it out of this.".
Back to top - Egg by MarineDown
New Alexandria: The Siege of Mandrigal as elevator music
On legendary difficulty with the IWHBYD-skull activated "The Siege of Mandrigal" is played in the left elevator to the Ivory Tower.
Back to top - Egg by fabiei
New Alexandria: Ivory Tower Located in Sinoviet Tower
As the level progresses, you will be given the objective to destroy a Covenant Jammer in the Sinoviet Industries tower. The lobby for the tower is identical to the Ivory Tower multiplayer map from Halo 2.
Back to top - Egg by Nazzer
New Alexandria: Dialogue
When flying in the air you can hear a gunner say "Just like shooting swamprats back home"
Back to top - Egg by Satinmanatee
New Alexandria: DJ Brute
When it is time to shut off the second jammer(the one that is in the club), fly up to the club. Feel free to clear the outside, but you dont need to go inside. Then go back to the hospital(the location of the first jammer), and fly around the outside until you find a ledge that has two trees on it(it is pretty low on the tower and can be difficult to spot). Land on it and there will be a switch on the wall. When you go up to the switch it will say "hold x to open door", but no door will open. After you hit the switch, go back to the club. Inside, there will be alot of dancing grunts and a Brute acting as DJ. The song playing will be a club remix of the Halo theme. Then if you go back outside and fly to the roof there will be another switch behind some pipes. Hitting it will change the song in the club to a remix of "the siege of mandrigal", which has been featured in every halo game to date. When you kill the DJ brute, the record scratches and the music stops. No matter what you do though, the grunts will not stop dancing, making for some easy kills.
Back to top - Egg by apollyon1991
New Alexandria (Ivory Tower): Suicidal Marine
Inside the ivory tower part of the mission, use the jetpack to fly up to the tallest balcony. Turn right and follow it to the first door on your left where you will see and hear a marine debating whether or not to shoot himself with a magnum.
Back to top - Egg by Jacob Fulwider
Noble Actual: AR number 7 reference.
After the Zealot elites attack you, you pick up your assault rifle and before you reload it, it has 07 rounds in it.
- Modern Day Cowboy
- Beiträge: 2778
- Registriert: 09.09.2008 14:56
- Persönliche Nachricht:
- CoD ist ein gutes Spiel
- Beiträge: 2371
- Registriert: 17.12.2008 16:34
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Guardian hat auch jemand in Forge World 1:1 nachgebaut
Echt wahnsinn was manche da zusammen basteln
Also wenn sich die Spartans nicht ganz blöd anstellen ist Boneyard ja wohl mit abstand die unfairste Map für Invasion. Also von den mikrigen 2 Invasion Maps.

Also wenn sich die Spartans nicht ganz blöd anstellen ist Boneyard ja wohl mit abstand die unfairste Map für Invasion. Also von den mikrigen 2 Invasion Maps.
Hier stand mal was, steht aber nichts mehr da
Xbox Neustart und zack alles wieder da. Probieren, das sollte es beheben.RVN0516 hat geschrieben:Wollte gestern Kampagne weiterspielen und alle Fortschritte waren weg.
Zum kotzen hatte die Kampagne auf legendär schon zur Hälfte durch und darf von vorne anfangen.
Die Stats waren noch da nur die Kampagne fürn Arsch.
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
- Beiträge: 1114
- Registriert: 04.12.2007 12:20
- Persönliche Nachricht:
- CoD ist ein gutes Spiel
- Beiträge: 2371
- Registriert: 17.12.2008 16:34
- Persönliche Nachricht: