Der Reddit User MkfShard war auf der Gamescom und beantwortete dann auf Reddit einige Fragen, ua. mit einer fetten liste an Infos:
QuelleNew Mechanics:New Spells:
- Every action feels a bit more weighty. You're committing more to each movement.
- You're no longer invincible during any special animation, like opening doors or entering bonfires.
- Magic has been expanded! Each spell now has a weak and strong attack, and some are even chargeable! Two-handing catalysts also changes the spell somewhat.
- When you're targeting someone, you're no longer restricted to attacking directly at them. This kind of threw me off, as I tried to back up and then heavy attack, but then attacked backwards...
- Enemies are much smarter. Even normal hollows were rushing me when I tried to heal.
- The enemies the Mirror Knight summons are weak, easily killable with a single greatsword strong attack. But they distract away from the boss himself, which can get dangerous.
- There's a shortcut in the dark basement area where the Turtle Knight is. You need to lure a firebomb hollow to blow up some explosive barrels, while rolling out of the way.
Sorceries:New Miracles:
- Soul Arrow: Now chargeable!
- Soul Lance: Seems pretty standard.
- Soul Sword (Guessed Name): SO COOL!
- Soul Rain (Guessed Name): Easily the coolest new spell. It shoots a ball of light upwards, before raining down countless Soul Arrows. However, it has an issue with low ceilings...
- Flame Toss (Guessed Name): One of two fire spells. Seems to fire at an angle, and so it was always hitting walls instead of enemies...
- Fireball (Guessed Name): A straight shooting fire ball that explodes. The explosion hurts you too, so watch out.
New Items/Item Mechanics:
- Talisman: The Talisman was very interesting! It looks sort of like a small mace.
- Regeneration: A prayer-like spell that slowly regenerates your health for a while. I couldn't find any standard healing on the Temple Knight.
- Unknown Spell: I couldn't figure out what this spell did, but the symbol looked like a body with a ring around it. It is chargeable for a very long time, and it gives you a fiery aura.
- Lightning Burst (Guessed Name): An extremely powerful Miracle that sends out a burst of lightning that crackles over a wide area and hits multiple times. With it, I was able to kill Mr. Turtle in about three hits.
- Dark Orb (Guessed Name): With very interesting implications, it seems that Dark Magic has been integrated into Miracles! It fires off a small Dark Orb that does moderate damage.
- Green Blossom: It returns! However, it takes SO DAMN LONG to eat. Easily about as long as a weapon enchantment. Speaking of which...
- Aromatic Ooze: Read: Sticky White Stuff. Extra magic weapon damage. Pretty cool.
- Amber Herb and Twilight Herb: Magic-Use replenishment! I'm assuming that Amber Herb refills one spell, while Twilight Herb refills all of them to full.