sourcOr hat geschrieben:Alle Weichen sind auf Remote-Play und Cross-Platform gestellt.
Und wieder der Klassiker: Es kämen hundert Titel.
Alles befürchtet, alles eingetreten.
Hierzu auch ein Statement von Andrew House:
So much attention has been paid to PS4 that Vita has been overlooked in recent months. Those who have one tend to love it, but how do you get it into more hands? What does it take to market a gaming handheld these days?
Well, the first market that I would point to is Japan, where the dedicated portable market has always been very strong. We’re really encouraged to see the start of a very positive spiral in the Japanese market around Vita. Weekly sales are getting to that point where we can really see that this is a platform that has got some legs. That, definitely, is having an effect on the Japanese publishing and development community. Overseas is more challenging. That said, we’ve taken a more holistic view with our platforms. With Remote Play, Vita has now essentially become an extender or an enhancer for the main platform for other rooms in the house, or when someone else wants to use the main screen. As the lifecycle of the platform progresses, there’s an opportunity to position Vita for a younger audience as well with the appropriate franchises. And it’s becoming a very accessible and easy on-ramp for independent developers, those who have had some success in the mobile space and now want to work on games that are that little bit richer, that have a more dedicated gaming interface. And we’re certainly seeing Vita being embraced by that community very strongly. ... rew-house/
- Vita dient jetzt vornehmlich als Erweiterung, um die Inhalte der Hauptplattformen auch in andere Räume zu transportieren.
- Für jüngere Spieler gedacht
- "Startrampe" für Indies
Kurz und knapp:
Die westliche Sichtweise auf die Vita ist zum Kotzen.