Hab mich auch gewundert.
Das sagt Dark1X im Era-Forum:
Bin nich so der Technik-Guy ...Yeah, the reconstruction they're using is super weird. The PS4 Pro shots were captured at 4K while base PS4 was obviously 1080p scaled up. Pro image quality is not very good due to the reconstruction in use.
"Problem" ist also die Auflösung (Glaub Waagrecht HD, Senkrecht 4K) in Kombination mit Checkerboard-Rendering, das dann die Pixel "zerreißt".
PS: Prinzipiell bezügl. IQ der Base-Konsolen:
One thing to keep in mind (and this is important) - the zoomer we use requires all shots to be displayed at the same pixel resolution. Which means the base consoles are scaled to 4K (otherwise it wouldn't really work). So you're zooming in on an upscaled image (basically how it'll look on a 4KTV, really). Viewing it at 1080p without scaling isn't so bad.